kaanch ka bartan example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. ), And the wonderful going diatretum in fishnet, with ornaments surrounding the body, carved glass and mounted on a precious metal base (fourth century 2. After the war, he was naturally asked to direct the reordering and installation of a large number of glass sets, particularly in Brittany and Champagne, where he led the intervention, with the help of L 3. Cennino gives a description of what can be considered apparently cartons for overall compositions of stained glass 4. Chemistry experiment; glass experience 5. Since that time, the history of stained glass is torn between the monumental (Reims) and illumination (Troyes Cathedral)

Given are the examples of hindi word kaanch ka bartan usage in english sentences. The examples of kaanch ka bartan are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., glass.

In train, Tushar had managed to squeeze into the window seat, his nose glued to the glass pane.रेल में तुषार को खिड़की वाली सीट मिल गई, जहाँ से वह बाहर का नज़ारा देखने में मग्न हो गया|

It seemed as if it was made of glass and they were able to see outside as they went up.
The leaves strain toward the glass small twigs stiff with exertion long-cramped boughs shuffling under the roof like newly discharged patients half-dazed, moving to the clinic doors.
Gleaming glass cased office buildings tower over mosques and superhighways crisscross the ancient camel paths.
Unlike golf and tennis, cricket has refused to remake its tools with industrial or man-made materials: plastic, fibre glass and metal have been firmly rejected.
We all know that in cold places flowers, vegetables and fruits are grown in glass covered areas called greenhouse.
Do you know that we humans also live in a greenhouse? Of course, we are not surrounded by glass but a blanket of air called the atmosphere, which has kept the temperature on earth constant for centuries.
Just as the glass in a greenhouse holds the sun's warmth inside, atmosphere traps the sun's heat near the earth's surface and keeps it warm.
In a greenhouse, visible light passes through the transparent glass and heats up the soil and the plants.
Since glass is opaque to infrared (heat) radiations, it partly reflects and partly absorbs these radiations.
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